Informationskväll i Hultsfred

Information evening at Vallhall in Hultsfred - 8 March

Föreningen Smalspårets Hultsfredsavdelning holds an information evening at Valhall in Hultsfred on Wednesday 8 March at 18.30. There we will tell you about railways in general and Smalspåret in particular. The Hultsfred department is part of the association Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik which also runs train services while the Hultsfred department is mostly involved in the rental of trolleys and clearing etc. for the track to be operated.

The association works to ensure that the narrow-gauge railway, which is a listed building, remains with various ways of getting around on the track. Björkudd, which is located just south of Hultsfred, is a nice little station with a small station house, kiosk, toilet and storage buildings built voluntarily with the help of the municipality's association team. There are currently 25 trolleys for hire for a trip to beautiful Hesjön, which is very well used during the summer months by both Swedish and foreign tourists.

During the evening there will be a film screening, we will tell you about railways and railbuses and a question and answer session. Of course, we welcome even more people to get involved in the organisation, so everyone is welcome to ask questions about what we do and what they can help with! Everyone can do something, clear brush, hire out carriages, ride as a conductor, waitress, railbus driver, kiosk staff, etc.

On this particular evening, we are offering free dressage cycling to anyone who becomes a member, so membership is basically free!

A warm welcome to you Greetings from the Växjö-Västervik Narrow Gauge Association!

For more information about the evening, please contact: Göran Ehn 0495-13557, 070-331 86 91