Tomten besöker Smalspåret

Merry Christmas - have you received a parcel from Santa?

In an unguarded moment, a unknown person accessed the membership register and committed a data breach! A witness was able to give a description of a man with a large white beard, a red coat and hood, and a sizeable paunch.

He quickly noted down the addresses of some members of the association before leaving on a sledge. It is reported that these members were then showered with films such as Winter on the Inlandsbanan, Swedish Trains and about narrow gauge in Poland as well as various books. He also sent gift vouchers for train trips, Konsum and, ironically, Pressbyrån, which is valid at all Pressbyrån except the kiosk in Virserum because it is a time machine...

So congratulations to the following members:

Niklas Odin, Rimbo

Lars G Eriksson, Älvsjö

Clas Bolin, Norberg

Krister Mohlin, Växjö

Rolf Segelström, Vallentuna