
Project railbus garage

Help us build a railbus garage in Virserum

Our railbuses are, as we all can understand, not helped by being exposed to the elements all year round. In order to break the rate at which they deteriorate the association has started a large construction project to get them indoors. May we present project railbus garage?

The image showing an idea of the project has been produced by Lignarium snickeri, the company which will construct the building. We have now started the project after having received a confirmation from the municipality and are now seeking different types of grants to help with funding.

Rälsbussgaraget i Virserum, bilden visar utan portar för att se interiören.

Swisha ditt bidrag till rälsbussgaraget
Send a swish payment with your contribution to the railbus garage

The fact that our railbuses are outside in the rain and snow is of course not good and something we have been aware of. Now we have finally found a solution. Some of you members have helped out in the last years when we have painted our railbuses.

Peter Christensen, chair of the association

On the empty grassy surface next to the old Centralföreningen towards the direction of the station building in Virserum we will therefore erect a railbus garage. The garage will have two railway tracks in parallel and be about 50 metres in lenght in order to fit three railbuses. As it is to blend in with the environment which also is listed, it will be built in a classic manner and be clad in red-painted wood panel.

The frame, the roof and some other work will be carried out by the skilled carpenters of Lignarium but we will get the opportunity to do some of it ourselves in order to save money. Work tasks that can be done with limited previous knowledge could be e.g. putting up wood panels or painting it red.

It is possible to register your interest now to help out with the construction for a day or several days. We will start on the foundation after the winter and the pace will then be decided based on the contributions we receive by you members and others.


2022-12-23: Bygglov är klart. Markarbeten beräknas börja i mellandagarna.

2023-06-01: Inspektionsgrav gjuten, markarbeten klara. En djupare grävning/sänkning av tomten mot första planen vilket fördyrat/försenat arbetet lite, men ger fördelen att bangården inte ligger lägre än rälsbussgaraget

2023-08-23: Takstolarna har nått Virserum från tillverkaren, de har tillverkats lokalt i Småland utanför Vetlanda. Arbete med grunden/plintar kan påbörjas och därefter resa själva stommen.

2023-11-15: Spårarbeten pågår innan vintern tar vid, markarbeten är klara och markplintar har placerats ut.

2024-04-14: Det ena spåret är färdigställt och makadamisering sker inom kort. Andra spåret börjar byggas inom kort.

Support the project


Swish any amount to 123 369 92 12, with the note "railbus garage". You can also use the QR code above.


Transfer any amount to the association's bankgiro account number 373-8093.

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Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västerviks medlemstidning "Smalspårsinform"

Bli medlem i Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik

Stötta bevarandet av smalspåret och byggnadsminnet

Vi är en ideell opolitisk förening som bevarar smalspåret och erbjuder dig att cykla dressin i Hultsfred, Flaten, Virserum och Åseda, samt åka nostalgitåg Virserum-Åseda. Som medlem stödjer du projektet ovan, och bevarandet av järnvägen och dess kulturmiljöer.

About Smalspåret
Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik

Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik is a non-profit non-political association founded in 1984 and now has more than one thousand members.

The association works to preserve and develop the narrow-gauge railway between Växjö and Västervik in its current routing. Read more about the association. mer om föreningen.