
About the operating company

Smalspåret i Hultsfred AB (SH) är ett ideellt drivet bolag som och ägs av Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik Association och cirka 350 andra ägare. Föreningen äger ungefär 20% av bolaget.

The primary purpose of the company is to, in collaboration with the association, be responsible for maintenance, train traffic and trolley rental between Virserum and Åseda. The company is also to carry out maintenance between Hultsfred and Virserum so that traffic with vehicles as well as the trolley activities can be conducted.

The operating company's activities primarily encompasses:

  • Operation and maintenance of the Åseda-Virserum-Hultsfred railway
  • The nostalgia train traffic Virserum-Åseda
  • Trolley cycling activities in Virserum and Åseda
  • Management of railway vehicles
  • Property management

100-årsjubileum i Hultanäs.
The centenary in Hultanäs 2012. The station building is owned by the operating company.
About Smalspåret
Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik

Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik is a non-profit non-political association founded in 1984 and now has more than one thousand members.

The association works to preserve and develop the narrow-gauge railway between Växjö and Västervik in its current routing. Read more about the association. mer om föreningen.