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Nostalgitåg på Smalspåret

Annual General Meeting 8 April

All members are hereby invited to the annual meeting of the association. It will take place on Saturday 8 April at 13:00 at Hotell Olof in Åseda. The association offers coffee and rolls. When the meeting and social gathering is over, we will have a preview for members of Hultanäs station house where restoration is underway (official reopening during Smalspåret nostalgia days 10 June), individual [...]

Annual General Meeting 8 April Read More »

Informationskväll i Hultsfred

Information evening at Vallhall in Hultsfred - 8 March

Föreningen Smalspårets Hultsfredsavdelning holds an information evening at Valhall in Hultsfred on Wednesday 8 March at 18.30. There we will tell you about railways in general and Smalspåret in particular. The Hultsfred department is part of the association Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik which also runs train traffic while the Hultsfred department is mostly involved in the rental of trolleys and clearing etc. for the track to

Information evening at Vallhall in Hultsfred - 8 March Read More »

Krösatåget - Den småländska tågrevolutionen

The Krösatåget, the Småland train revolution

The book Krösatåget, den småländska tågrevolutionen, written by Ingemar Lundin and Sten-Åke Bergholm is available in our catalogue. Rail transport outside the main lines in Sweden was considered more or less doomed during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Generous government subsidies for replacement bus services meant that many county companies abandoned train services in favour of road buses. In Jönköping County there were

The Krösatåget, the Småland train revolution Read More »

Lennarts järnvägsvärld i svartvitt

Lennart's railway world in black and white

Buy the book with Lennart Petersson's pictures in black and white! 15 years after "Lennart's railway pictures" with wonderful colour pictures now comes the sequel with the best of the black and white. The book is a must for anyone interested in railway history, but also those who "just" want a treasure trove of images with environments from the past and which are now no longer there. The book is hardback

Lennart's railway world in black and white Read More »

Föreningen Smalspåret årets eldsjälar

Enthusiasts of the year

In connection with Virserum's market, an annual "enthusiast of the year" award has been presented by Virserum's community association for a couple of years. This year we received this very fine award of which we are extremely proud. The prize is a thank you for our efforts for Virserum. - This is incredibly fun for us in the association, it is a receipt

Enthusiasts of the year Read More »