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Winter activities on and around the track

In many places, the winter darkness is descending and calm, but at Smalspåret there is more going on this winter than for a long time! Admittedly, the weather can change quickly, but then you just have to have a "plan B". 13-14 December, it was intended to work on replacing sleepers and other things, but just over the weekend a lot of snow came and it had to be cleared instead.


The heavy wet snow bent down a lot of bushes and small trees over the track, making the track impassable on 13/12 2008. Photo: Cedric H

Winter activities on and around the track Read More »

En bild på trapphuset på bottenplan, dörren till höger leder in till väntsalen.

Continued refurbishment of Virserum station building

The renovation of the stairwell in Virserum station is now complete. The association has been granted a subsidy of 80% from the Kalmar County Administrative Board towards the cost of renovating the stairwell to the apartment. The work includes electrical installations, painting of doors, ceilings and walls, new carpet in the entrance and deep washing of the cork carpet in the staircase, etc.

Continued refurbishment of Virserum station building Read More »