The station building in Flaten was bought back by the association in 2017, after many years in private ownership. After four years of renovation and a very large number of volunteer hours, the station was reopened on Sunday 12 September. At 13.00, a speech was given by Chairman Peter V. Christensen, who then gave the floor to historian Stig-Åke Petersson, who talked about the history of the station and the railway. From history to the present, Otto, the restoration project manager, took the floor and talked about the renovation work that had been done.
Local councillor Lars Rosander concluded the ceremony with a ceremonial ribbon cutting and then declared the station reopened, 99 years after the railway came to Flathult community.
On behalf of the association, we would like to thank all members who have contributed to the project and made it possible to refurbish the station environment and increase tourism in the area. Thank you!
Councillor Lars Rosander cuts the ribbon and declares the station reopened Ingemar Högström, son of the last station guard Stina Högström, raises the flag at the station Lars Rosander presents a plaque in recognition of the commitment and work put into the project To mark the occasion, a large number of local residents had made their way to the station Later in the day, calm had returned to Flaten station
Photo: Svenne Rudén / Olaf Lindström
That's nice!