Frequently asked questions about trolley cycling
Frequently asked questions before cycling
How do I make a reservation?
You can easily book directly here on our website. Information and booking for each route:
Hultsfred, Flaten, Virserum, Åseda.
Unfortunately we cannot accept bookings by email, but refers to the online booking. Telephone bookings are limited, so they are subject to availability, current availability and opening hours are always visible online.
How do I cancel a booking?
Cancel easily on our booking page, the link differs depending on the route you booked. If you are unable to log in, please email us at [email protected] and state your booking number and the route you have booked for, and we will help you.
Cancel cycling starting in Flaten or Hultsfred
Cancel cycling starting in Virserum or Åseda
Do I need to wear any particular clothes?
Dress according to weather, remember that you are out cycling in nature. Do not wear any very sensitive clothes in other words.
Do I need to wear a helmet?
Of course, we recommend that you wear a helmet, especially for children and young people. There are a small number of helmets to borrow at the start, if you have forgotten, but feel free to bring your own, so you get one that suits you.
Can the smallest children come along?
Absolutely. Children who can sit upright/fastened in a car seat is completely fine. We have special children's seats that are hung from the trolleys. Remember that there are a limited number per route.
How many can sit on a bike?
There are two types of bicycles, one with a seat and one with a flatbed. In Hultsfred and Flaten they are all with chairs, in Virserum and Åseda it is mixed. The version with a chair can carry 2 adults, the version with a flatbed can carry 1 adult and 1 child/youth.
Do we cycle one way or there and back again?
There are two types of bicycles, one with a seat and one with a flatbed. In Hultsfred and Flaten they are all with chairs, in Virserum and Åseda it is mixed. The version with a chair can carry 2 adults, the version with a flatbed can carry 1 adult and 1 child/youth.
Can I bring my dog?
Yes, you can bring a dog but remember that it is a fairly loud environment for a dog with their good hearing. The dog should also be comfortable sitting on the platform so that it does not jump off at speed etc. Please consider carefully whether the dog needs to come along before you bring it.
During and after cycling
Are there rules for the cycling?
Before you set off you will sign an agreement containing our traffic rules. Our staff will also go through these with the entire group before you head off. Along the routes there are also stop signs etc. showing where you must stop and lead the trolley.
Can I stop wherever I want?
Absolutely, remember to lift the trolley off the track so that others can pass if, for example, you want to stop and take a coffee break along the way. Also, remember to respect private land and gardens.
What happens when I meet other cyclists?
Depending on the direction either you or the opposite cyclist lift off the trolley. Our staff will inform you about this beforehand. Remember to lift the frame/bottom of the trolley, not the handles etc.
How do I turn the trolley?
The easiest way is to use our turning platforms, they can be found at select locations along the route. Otherwise you turn the trolley by lifting, one in each end of the frame (not handles/sets etc.). Our staff will show you how it is done before you set off.
Something went wrong, who do I contact?
Talk to our staff directly on site, in the first place, and we will try to solve it right away. Otherwise, you can reach us most easily by email or facebook as below, and we will help you.
I have forgotten something
Get in touch with us by email or phone as below.
About Smalspåret

Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik is a non-profit non-political association founded in 1984 and now has more than one thousand members.
The association works to preserve and develop the narrow-gauge railway between Växjö and Västervik in its current routing. Read more about the association. more about the association.