Lennart's railway world in black and white

175,00 kr

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15 years after "Lennart's railway pictures" with wonderful colour pictures, here comes the sequel with the best of the black and white!

The book is a must for anyone interested in railway history, but also for those who "just" want a treasure trove of images of environments from the past that no longer exist.

The book is hardback and 112 pages, the content is largely from the narrow gauge railway that started from Växjö towards Hultsfred but especially Oskarshamn. A favourite is the chapter when we get to follow the local freight train that went Växjö-Oskarshamn, but also the section on ploughing and winter work is a completely unique time document.

Lennart's pictures reflect a sudden moment of everyday life, when railway photographers today take pictures of trains from the front in beautiful weather, it is much more boring to see than Lennart's pictures where it is much more railway-like with, for example, icy winters with snow that drifted, as a railway worker he was out in all weathers.

The pictures were mainly chosen by Lennart himself with the help of his long-time friend Krister Persson and were then produced by the museum association Östra Skånes järnvägar.