Old bus stop shelter back in Tuna

Tuna hållplatsstuga efter flytt från JennyDuring the last year of the railway's operation under SJ, several station buildings were demolished, including the one in Tuna, and replaced with a smaller station building. In August, the kur that had previously stood at the "SJ IF" sports ground in Jenny outside Västervik was moved. It was originally built for the Fästad stop, between Gamleby and Överum, along the old NVHJ.


In addition to a small waiting area for travellers, the stop shelter also has an office for train dispatchers. During the autumn, an exterior renovation was carried out in the form of some woodwork and repainting.


If you want to know more about the cottage in Tuna, you can find it in Narrow Gauge Association's member magazine Narrow Gauge Information, issue 3/2010, an article written by Magnus Andersson. Photo: Peter Christensen.