New issue

Smalspåret i Hultsfred ABwhich operates the line from Hultsfred to Åseda, is carrying out a new share issue in spring 2021. The purpose is to support the construction of a rail bus garage in Virserum, which is being carried out in cooperation with Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik Association. Watch the clip below, read more about the rights issue and subscribe directly here on the website. How to support the construction of the rail bus garage, while receiving shares in the company.

Register interest for share subscription

First name and surname. Are you signing for a company? Please also enter the name of the company.
Are you signing for a company? Enter the company registration number instead.
Ex: Virserum
We need your e-mail in order to contact you.
We need your phone number to contact you.
The minimum number is 4. Each share costs 250:- incl. premium. The minimum amount is therefore 4 for SEK 1000. 20 shares corresponds to SEK 5000.
You must certify tick box number one. Tick box number two is optional.


What will we use the money for?
We will build a rail bus garage in Virserum together with Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik and thus help with the financing. If we raise more money than is needed for the project, the AGM has decided that the money will be used to build a larger carriage shed in Hultanäs.

Why is a rail coach garage being built?

Railbuses from the 1950s are left out in the hot sun in summer and fade, as well as in winter with rain or snow. This takes its toll on our vintage vehicles, deteriorating them at such a rapid rate that we find it difficult to maintain them.

In addition, we have been exposed to vandals who have both graffitied and broken windows. This costs us dearly and creates a lot of work for the members who volunteer in their spare time.

If you have a vintage car, you don't leave it out in the snow, you put it in the garage. We are now building a garage to store the railbuses and thus preserve them for the future. They are now almost 70 years old, and those who come after us, our children and grandchildren, shouldn't have to wonder why we didn't do something while there was time.

What is our plan?

In order to break the deterioration of the condition that it means that they stand outside, we have in cooperation with the Association Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik started the project rail bus garage!

The municipality is selling land and the garage will be built at the northern end of the railway yard in Virserum. It will be two tracks wide and just over 50 metres long, to accommodate three x2 railcars. As it will blend into the environment, which is a listed building, it will be built in a classic style and have red-coloured wood panelling.

The pictures showing the approximate layout have been produced by Lignarium Snickeri. They are also the ones who will construct the building.

We are now seeking contributions of various kinds to help with funding. In addition to contributions from the association's members and e.g. Virserums Gille in Stockholm, we have been granted support from Virserums Sparbank's gift delegation. Now we need your support for the preservation of the railway buses for the future by buying shares in the company!

You won't get rich, but apart from helping to save the railbuses, you'll get a nice watermarked share certificate to hang on your wall.

We will have the opportunity to do a lot of things ourselves to save money, such as painting or nailing panelling. You can help already now through your share purchase! The hope is that the rail buses in Virserum will have spent their last winter in 2020/2021.

Emission conditions

The issue period, when you can subscribe for shares, runs during the period 15 April - 5 June. The issue takes place without priority for current owners. This means that the prospectus is sent to all owners and other pre-sumtive stakeholders of Smalspåret.

Each share in the company costs SEK 250. For every SEK 250, this amount consists of ONE subscribed share of SEK 150 and SEK 100 in "premium". The minimum amount to subscribe is SEK 1,000 per person, so for that amount you will receive 4 shares. For a subscription of SEK 5,000, you receive 20 shares, etc. You buy shares for any amount, there is no upper limit. The more shares subscribed, the more of the investment need is covered and we do not have to borrow money.

The amount to be subscribed, together with the other details, must be indicated on the enclosed subscription form. You should post it to the address given on the enrolment form. Payment must be made by 5 June at the latest to the bank account/Swish indicated on the registration form.

What is a premium?

A premium means that not the full amount becomes the value of the share. For example, if you buy a share for SEK 250, SEK 150 is the share price, and the remaining SEK 100 is not for the share itself, but is more like a "fee".

How do I pay?

Full amount must be deposited by 5 June. Payment can be made according to one of the options below. Remember to include your name as a reference on the deposit!

Bank transfer: 5677-4151

Account number: 8405-3, 333 875 759-8

Swish: 123 118 55 86

For international payments (IBAN):SE 11 8000 0840 5333 3875 7598

BIC code to the bank (Swedbank): SWED SE SS