Smalspåret i Hultsfred AB

Notice - extraordinary general meeting of SH 27/12

Due to a previously received motion where the participants at the Annual General Meeting requested to call an Extraordinary General Meeting to address the motion, you as a shareholder in Smalspåret i Hultsfred AB are now called to an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Proposal for the agenda:
Agenda for the meeting on 27 December 2019 at 16.00 in Virserum station.
§ 1. Opening of the meeting
§ Election of chairman of the meeting and election of secretary
§ Drawing up and approval of the voting list
§ Election of one or two scrutineers
§ Adoption of the agenda
§ Examination of whether the meeting has been duly convened § 7 Motion as below
§ 8. Closure of the meeting

The motion in its entirety:
Motion to the Annual General Meeting of Smalspåret i Hultsfred AB 2019
Today, SH's articles of association stipulate in § 6 "For the audit of the company's annual report and accounts and the administration of the board of directors, an approved or authorised auditor and a deputy auditor are appointed at the annual general meeting for the period until the end of the annual general meeting held during the fourth financial year after the election of the auditor."
It is not now a requirement that all limited companies must have an authorised or approved auditor if they meet certain criteria (the criteria for not having one are stated on the Swedish Companies Registration Office's website). For SH, having an authorised or approved auditor means an annual cost of approximately SEK 25,000, which we do not believe is proportionate to

the benefit. Instead, the SH could, for example, appoint two lay auditors.
In view of the above, we propose:
- That the Board of Directors be instructed to review and submit proposals on how the audit of the company's annual report and accounts, as well as the Board of Directors' administration, can take place without an approved or authorised auditor.
- That the Board of Directors convenes an extraordinary general meeting within 6 months to decide on new articles of association.
Virserum 2019-06-16
Virserums hostel AB