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Smalspåret i Hultsfred AB

Notice - extraordinary general meeting of SH 27/12

Due to a previously received motion where the participants at the Annual General Meeting requested to call an Extraordinary General Meeting to address the motion, you as a shareholder in Smalspåret i Hultsfred AB are now called to an Extraordinary General Meeting. Proposed agenda: Agenda for the meeting 2019-12-27 at 16.00 in Virserum station. § 1. Opening of the meeting [...]

Notice - extraordinary general meeting of SH 27/12 Read More »

Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik

Annual meeting of the association 2019

All members of Föreningen Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik are hereby invited to the annual meeting. Time: Saturday 30 March at 13:00 Place: IOGT-NTO, Vattentorget 1, Växjö We offer coffee from 12:30. After the formal part, we will tell you about what is happening right now in the association, question time and the opportunity to submit ideas and comments. Local chapter Skåne-Denmark We hold

Annual meeting of the association 2019 Read More »

Årets sponsorer

Sponsors of the year

The Smalspåret association works on a voluntary basis and the preservation of cultural environments and architectural monuments is done entirely through income from dressage cycling, train travellers and our sponsors. We want to thank all the companies that sponsor us for the 2017 season and make the business possible, thank you! Virserums Sparbank Carlbergs Bygg Golvservice Bygg & Handel - Bolist Virserum Byggvab Dackebygdens Radio, TV, PC - RingUp Sport

Sponsors of the year Read More »

Flaten station, sommaren 1988

The association buys the station house in Flaten

The Växjö-Västervik Narrow-Gauge Railway Association has bought the station house and adjacent land in Flaten. "We are very pleased to now have the opportunity to preserve and restore the environment in Flaten," says chairman Peter V Christensen. The association works actively with the environments around the narrow gauge railway and when the estate of the previous owner was going to sell, we made a quick decision to buy. The plan

The association buys the station house in Flaten Read More »