Take the train to Olsmässan 26-27 July

Friday and Saturday 26-27 July there is a train from Virserum to Åseda in connection withThe Oil Fair.


The train stops at all stations/stops along the way and returns at night, after the party.


A light refreshment service is available on board the train.


Timetable Virserum-Åseda

The train is moving: Fri/Sat Fri/Sat Fri/Sat
From Virserum 11:30 19:30 23:30
From Hjortöström 11:36 19:36 23:36
From Mosstorp 11:45 19:45 23:45
From Triabo 11:59 19:59 23:59
To Hultanäs 12:17 20:17 00:17
From Hultanäs 12:20 20:20 00:20
From Sissehult 12:28 20:28 00:28
To Åseda 12:42 20:42 00:42


Timetable Åseda-Virserum

The train is moving: Fri/Sat Fri/Sat Friday Saturday
From Åseda 14:30 21:00 01:20 02:20
From Sissehult 14:44 21:14 01:34 02:34
To Hultanäs 14:52 21:22 01:42 02:42
From Hultanäs 14:55 21:25 01:45 – – – –
From Triabo 15:13 21:43 02:03 03:03a
From Mosstorp 15:28 21:58 02:17 03:17a
From Hjortöström 15:36 22:06 02:25 03:25a
To Virserum 15:42 22:12 02:32 03:32


Price example for adult t&r Virserum-Åseda: 180:-. a = The train only has alighting passengers. Night trains also stop at Virserum södra (Björkmossavägen).