Krösatåget - Den småländska tågrevolutionen

The Krösatåget, the Småland train revolution

The book The Krösatåget, the Småland train revolution, written by Ingemar Lundin and Sten-Åke Bergholm is available in our catalogue.
Off-mainline rail transport in Sweden was considered more or less doomed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Generous government subsidies for replacement bus services led many county companies to abandon train services in favour of road buses.

Jönköping County had a widely branched railway network and with determined employees in leading positions and under fierce resistance, a new future for regional train traffic was created with new players. In two volumes, the exciting story is told by those who were involved, with Ingemar Lundin, former CEO of Jönköping County Transport, at the forefront.

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The price of the book is 250kr. Orders should be sent to [email protected] or 070-600 30 30. Postage only, payment against invoice.