Annual meetings of Föreningen Smalspåret

The association Smalspåret Växjö-Västervik invites you to Annual General Meeting on Saturday 5 May 2012 at 13.00 in the waiting room of the station building in Virserum. Agenda according to the statutes.


At 12 noon we serve a single lunch in the restaurant car (please register in advance to [email protected]). After the AGM, there will be a pleasant get-together with information. Then Smalspåret i Hultsfred AB holds its annual general meeting at 15.


Local chapters

Hultsfred department have an annual general meeting and planning day Monday 12 March at 18:30 in Valhall, Hultsfred.


Skåne/Denmark has an annual general meeting Saturday 31 March at 13:00. Venue Danish Railway Club ("Vognex"), Kalvebod Brygge 40, 1560 Copenhagen V. Skåne/Denmark information about our activities and picture/film screening.


Other local chapters will be updated once the time and date have been finalised.